Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011


Yes. And why people are laughing and joking around when i said "my favorite fruit is banana"
Seriously, if i love penis i would say penis instead of banana. Haha.

Okay, eating a banana is a pleasure. Eating a good banana is even better. oh Man, i love banana. :"D

"Why do you make music?"

So yesterday i had a little fight with my band-mate who's actually my boyfriend. So it started when he said:

" i think we should delete our songs that spread on the internet?"

"To against piracy"
"what kind of piracy?"
"like downloading and that one person will share it for free to his friends"
"but those song are locked, nobody can download it directly"
"but some people can hack it. It's so easy to do that hack! and That song is not released yet"
"some people, not everyone can do that 'hacking' things. And that song is a Single, i thought you remember that our Single Hits released few weeks ago"
"That some people will spread our song to everyone. And our album is not released yet, it's not 'the time' . "
"and if people spread our song, that Single song. What's the disadvantage for us?"
"It's just not 'the time' "
"That song is a single, it released. Let the people listen to that song and enjoy it"

Okay, forget it.

And the-other-yesterday-yesterday, my friend asked me:
"lo buat musik karena cinta atau karena hobi?"
"hmm... gatau. emang kenapa?"
"kalo gw sih karena cinta, mau ada yang nonton atau enggak gw akan tetep maen"

*Is he doing pencitraan?*

"apa perbedaan antara yang karena hobi dan karena cinta?"
"ya kalo karena hobi, cuma buat seneng seneng aja. Kalo karena cinta lo akan tetep maen musik apapun yang terjadi"


"gw sih gatau gw buat musik karena apa. Yang gw tau, gw cuma pengen... dan gw lakukan." gw menutup.

Dan gw jadi berpikir, kenapa orang mementingkan alasan-kenapa-buat-musik? I don't know why i make music. And if you insist: i make music because i wanted to.
Perlukah kita me-label-kan diri kita dengan alasan - alasan tersebut? IS THAT NECESSARY? Seriously, i'm asking. i don't give a shit if people say that they play music for hobbies or love or peace or whatever, those reason won't change the music they've made. It won't make it worse or better.

Just make your music and show the world.

Afternoon Talk

So, last week.. Dec 17th, after a very long time, i, finally, be, on, stage, again. with Aftenoon Talk.
I was a little bit nervous, and to make it worse i couldn't find a toilet to pee. Sooooooooo baaaaad!
And when i got up on the stage my hearts beat so fast and it ruined our first song. But don't worry! We hit it all the way!! FUN!

Here's some pictures..

do you guys think that it looks like hayley william's picture? no?

Too bad, i can't find my comb that night. Seriously.

This is Adian. The guitar player.

Again. yeaaa.

The other Guitarist.

Who's actually my boyfriend.

i did a little ballet there. I gotta do some more next!

More Pictures HERE.

Well i'm gonna put the video too. I'll update it.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011


Kenapa orang2 selalu membayang bayangi gua dengan penyanyi perancis itu?
Iya, penyanyi perancis satu itu. Padahal lagu dia yg masuk playlist gw cuma 3 lagu.

Padahal alasan gw kenapa nyanyi dengan cara Story-telling karena pada awalnya gw memang gak bisa nyanyi. Selalu out of tune. Untuk menutupi kelemahan vokal gw, maka gw mulai membuat lagu dgn cara nyanyi seperti itu. Sampe akhirnya gw ketemu 'penyanyi itu', dia cukup memberikan saya referensi dan inspirasi selama beberapa waktu. Tapi gw juga ketemu dan belajar dari penyanyi lainnya. Laura marling, Kate Nash, Lykke Li atau yang paling pop gw belajar dari Nat Bedingfield, PATD, Kesha. Dan di jaman Web 2.0 ini, gw bisa ketemu ratusan penyanyi/band dengan gaya seperti itu.
Bahkan salah satu lagu gw yang berjudul "Contradiction" pun tercipta karena terinspirasi lagu Blood dari My Chemical Romance. Jaman ketika Penyanyi Itu belum lahir.

Then why people identified me with her like i'm dying so hard try to be exactly like her? And for God's sake? Wannabe? The fuuuuuck? Can i enrich your music playlist? There's a huge gap between 'sounds like' and 'wannabe'. The 2nd word sometimes can heard so rude.

It's okay to herad people say that my voice sounds like her sometimes, but if they say that i am her "Wannabe" THAT'S CRAZY!
It's like i
"oh she's so coool, i wanna be like her, write songs like she did and make accoustic songs like her too. And start to learn to play ukulele. Oh yes, and i should start to dress up like her. dresses, necklaces, shoes, OH I WANT TO BE HER SO BAD!"

if people say that i am Olivia Merilathi Wannabe, that's okay and i can accept that. Because i actualy start to copy her. So watch closely. please.

I usually don't care about what people say about me. But THIS THING, has been suffocating me for years.